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Working in the industry for over 20 years not only shows Heath's age but also shows his experience.

Leaving the industry for a short while to work in oil and gas, managing and overseeing outages and large-scale projects. 

While exciting and fulfilling as he found it, Heath still returned to flooring. Returning with an even sharper eye for detail and well-versed in health and safety, he was glad to be back and was singing in the shower again.

There isn't much he hasn't seen, so when tricky situations arise, he is the best person for the job. 

He loves a challenge, something he can put his all into to reap the rewards of a job well done.

He enjoys having good working relationships with people and goes the extra mile. 

In his time, he has had the opportunity to produce a nationwide award-winning finished result, a standard he still upholds.

His motto is "You're only as good as your last job" and "You can't add pride after the fact" and it shows.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

021 023 71900

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